Travel is in Rebecca Males’ blood, having blogged her way around the world since 2011, writing content for the likes of Buzzfeed and Skyscanner. From an early age, she wanted to do things differently. Rather than connecting work to a specific location, an office in one particular city, Rebecca’s career has been built around the idea of earning a living remotely. Despite taking a non-traditional approach, Rebecca has succeeded in a career she is passionate about and excited about. Now, she is helping others to achieve a similar lifestyle.
Outsite is a provider of beautiful and bespoke co-living and co-working environments, founded in 2015. With a core principle of flexibility, Outsite helps nomads to build their careers remotely, in an environment dedicated to positive vibes, relaxation, and productivity. This takes the old office cubicle idea and flips it on its head, offering the infrastructure which brings interesting people together and blurs the line between life and work. 18 unique locations exist in the mountain, jungle, and urban environments, offering the customer a choice depending upon their optimal work setting.
I spoke to Rebecca about her thoughts on this new approach to life, in which work can be remote, flexible, and fulfilling.

"Live Differently, Anywhere": this is the message you have been promoting. What do you consider the "normal" way to live and why do you think a different approach might be better?
The normal might be the one you've been cultured to believe is best - this is subjective to the individual. However, we've found for most, a 9-5 schedule for 10-15 years post-college doesn't equate to the best work-life balance. There's no opportunity to travel extensively or pursue other interests. Finding a flexible way to work allows for these pursuits, and we aim to support that.
What kind of work does Outsite engage in, what is your role at the company, and why is this work so important?
We have a global network of co-living spaces. I'm Head of Community, which means I help build out the community for our Members, whether it's the Slack or the events in the house.
What makes for a productive work and living environment?
The environment in which you can be your happiest and most productive. This means something different for everyone, but we find the most common denominators are a positively influential community, a calm workspace, and an easy living environment.
Achieving location independence is a dream for many, but a reality for just a few. How would advise someone to you make the shift towards a more flexible and fulfilling career?
We have plenty of articles on this here, but our top tips would be:
- Start saving for your travel right away
- Negotiate remote working hours with your current job
- Alternatively, find a remote job or go freelance
- Consider passive income
- Connect with a nomad community

Co-living and co-working spaces blur the line between work and living. Do you think society is moving towards this model of work and is that a good idea?
Walk into any coffee shop in your local town and you'll see it yourself. Whether you hail from New York or Kuala Lumpur, people are swapping offices for coffee shops. It's a more sustainable way of working than what we've been led to believe, and technology is allowing it to become more integrated by the day. There are certain issues that come with this, including not being able to switch off, but as we progress we'll learn how to deal with these better and better.
Do you think that traveling to new places can improve creativity and productivity, or is it a drain on energy levels? How can travel and productivity go hand in hand?
If you're hopping from place to place with poor working facilities and no community, travel can certainly be a drain. But once you've found a good place to stay, you like the people that surround you and you find it easy on a day to day basis - that's the sweet spot. Usually, you need to stay in one place for a few months to accumulate such routines, but once they're there, it's easy to be productive whilst traveling.
What might you be more motivated by getting a pizza on your way home from work to eat in front of the TV, or grabbing a pizza in a small Italian town to watch sunset post-work? Having a set motivation certainly helps productivity, and if you're lacking that at home, this might work for you.
Rebecca’s work offers the opportunity for you to take control of your life, designing it in a way that makes sense. Everyone works differently, so it is the flexibility that is key. However, we have mostly been brought up in environments that teach us there is a certain career path to follow, which is boring and difficult. Instead, your work can become just another part of your life, which offers fulfillment and enjoyment. By working in a more creative field, surrounded by inspiring humans, and sublime natural beauty, the world of work can be something completely different to how most imagine it.